6 Strategies That Promote Emotional Health And Resilience During Stressful Times
PHOTO: Jeremy Thomas
Growing health concerns in our communities have filled our inboxes and screens, with notices from our jobs, health care providers, and all sorts of organizations about the physical precautions each is taking to keep our community healthy. Promoting emotional wellness is equally important and intricately connected to our physical well being. Research suggests that practical strategies to support self-care can have wide-ranging positive health impact. Here are 6 tips that promote emotional wellness, in times of stress.
1. Slow Down!
When we feel anxious we tend to rush and react. We slide into a “fight or flight” mode, reacting to worry, stress and fear. When this occurs, the emotional part of our brain is in control and our rational, thinking capacities don’t function optimally. By pausing and slowing down, we give our body a chance to respond to experiences more calmly and more thoughtfully. PHOTO: Nareeta Martin
2. Breathe:
Using purposeful breathing to activate our parasympathetic nervous system, the one that relaxes and calms us down, can be very helpful. There are a variety of techniques (Boxed Breathing, Paced Breathing, Belly Breathing, etc..) that can be readily found on the internet. Practice those that focus on a longer, deeper exhalation, which is what signals and invites relaxation. PHOTO: Robin Benzrihem
3. Take a Break!
Find a way to let the worry go or interrupt the negative and worried thinking. Do a crossword, walk the dog, listen to music, watch a lighthearted sitcom, exercise, play an instrument, or read a book. Worry weighs heavily on our emotional muscles. It fatigues them. Put it down for a while to give those muscles a break and allow them to replenish. PHOTO: Bruce Mars
4. Be discerning with how and with whom you spend time!
Be thoughtful and discerning with how you gather information. Use trusted news or government sites. Limit your information gathering to an amount that keeps you prepared and up to date, but avoid checking and rechecking resources. Over-exposure to daunting notices and statistics can increase anxiety levels significantly. It is okay for us to be discerning about the company we keep, investing in relationships that nurture calm, positivism, and compassion. PHOTO: Jon Tyson
5. Create Balance!
The thoughts that float around in our brains help create our feeling states. If we let in too many “what if’s,” or a lot of pessimism or “worst case scenario thinking,” then feelings become one-sided, burdened with anxiety or worry. Try to include space for rational thoughts, gratitude, optimism, and hope, giving yourself a chance to feel more centered. Start small, perhaps with a gratitude ritual. Amidst all the frenzy, might you feel grateful for a fabulous meal, a child’s lighthearted giggle, a lover’s gentle kiss or caress, or a terrific ending to a novel you’ve been reading. PHOTO: Christophe Hautier
6. Rest!
Carrying extra stress fatigues the mind, body and heart. The best antidote is rest and sleep! Rest and restore so you can face another day, renewed and refreshed.PHOTO: Kate Stone Matheson